Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Search for Truth

My road to faith, as all worthwhile roads are, has been under construction for years.  The route was laid by my upbringing. As a boy I was very involved in the church; knowing of Him but never truly knowing God. It wasn’t until many years later and much worldly (and self) exploration, that I found the truth and the way.  I’ll be the first to admit that, before this, I was a skeptic; even a defender of science as truth. Through what I know now to be a limited understanding of the world, I felt that the more one knows about the mysteries of our universe, the more he is inclined to refute the existing of God.  And conversely, that all of the faithful are sheltered by some grand ignorance. That faith was even a sort of injustice of the masses. But just as my road to faith was laid by the ignorance of youth, it was paved by the enlightenment of knowledge. Therefore, I am writing this blog to not only encourage intellectual scrutiny of faith, but to tell you that, if the search for truth is performed properly, that truth will manifest itself in the form of faith itself—which I believe in fact, to be the one and only truth-- all other truths holding their merit through it.

I will present arguments of sorts: various articles to look at both sides of a particular debate of faith. I will dissect the opinions of highly educated individuals, both classic and modern, to offer a defense for the faithful.  Although my exploration will be rather academic, my conclusions will be in the support of faith. Opinion will reign, and as such should be open to discussion.  Please discuss the thought provoking questions I present and the subsequent version of truth I offer. If you are a believer reading this, I challenge you to welcome scrutiny of our faith in Jesus Christ our Lord.  After all, faith can have little strength if never challenged.  If you are a skeptic reading this, thank you for earnestly searching for truth. For I have stood where you stand, and know that if you are here, you have already made the important decision of objectivity: to hear informed opinions and make a choice for yourself.  After all, that is the true task of the intellectual.

Take this journey with me, as a believer or skeptic, and we will grow as individuals of faith and intellect.

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